Digital Library

Hosted via Recollection Wisconsin and Youtube- The following links will take you to a partner site.

An organization called Recollection Wisconsin has allowed us to share our photo collections on their website, which the Milwaukee Public Library hosts. If you recognize anyone or anything in these photos and can offer us information, please contact Lori at the Museum. Your assistance is always welcome.

“Feeding Babies”-Lawrence Oliver

Lawrence Oliver Photographs
A collection of rural Wisconsin photos taken mid-20th century by Lawrence Oliver of Vesper, Wisconsin.

“Romanski Girls with Cow”- Don Krohn

Don Krohn Photographs
A collection of post-WWII photos Don Krohn took while working for the Wisconsin Rapids Daily Tribune.

Gaynor’s Rakers, 1912

Cranberry Photo Collection
Selections from our archives, available online from the Wetherby Cranberry Library, Wisconsin Cranberry Discovery Center.

Cranberry Labels




Grand Avenue- West Side- Grand Rapids

Nekoosa Edwards Paper Mill- Nekoosa

Port Edwards Postcards


Postcard Collection, Nekoosa, Port Edwards and Grand Rapids, East Side ~ click to view.


1986- East Side 


Tom Taylor Blotters

In November of 1935, Nekoosa Port Edwards Paper Company  (NEPCO) introduced the first copy of their monthly publication, “The Nepco Digester, Published by and for the NEPCO family.”  Though not every year would have twelve issues, the stories and information within each are not only interesting and fun but show what a family community their work environment was.

1930’s: 1935, 1936, 1937, 1938, 1939

1940’s: 1940, 1941, 1942, 1943, 1949

1950’s: 1950, 1951, 1952

South Wood County Historical Museum Youtube Channel

Click the link above to be directed to our channel, where you can watch the Wisconsin Rapids History Videos by Paul Gross!
