The Grand Rapids of Wis. River [Grand Rapids]from west to east side, c. 1890s. Rocks now submerged by dam
PDF Format Books-
The Twin Cities-Scenic and Industrial (1896): The camera’s conquest in and near the Twin Cities, Grand Rapids and Centralia, Wisconsin.
Grand Rapids, Wis., (1900): Souvenir to State Press Association from City of Grand Rapids, Wisconsin.
A Glimpse of Grand Rapids (1907): Descriptive of Grand Rapids, Wood County and the Wisconsin River by A. Decker.
A Glimpse of Grand Rapids 1907
East Side West Side (Unknown Date): Photograph and Postcard collection depicting the streets and avenues of the eastern and western banks of the Wisconsin River from 1896-1939.
East Side West Side (Unknown Date)
Historic Wisconsin Rapids and Vicinity (Unknown Date): Booklet outlining historic sites in Wisconsin Rapids, Port Edwards and Nekoosa. Put together and distributed by South Wood County Historical, by the Board of Directors at that time.