I found this photo in a binder at the Museum, the following accompanied the image:
The Climax that brought about the building of the swimming pool was the drowning of boys to such an extent that it stirred the fathers and mothers into action. “Jack” Arpin was an ardent promoter of this scheme and donated liberally in both time and money to get this place to swim, for young and old, started. The main motive, of course, was to provide a safe place where children could enjoy the play of swimming. Later it was taken over by the city and so maintained. On May 30, 1922, it was dedicated as Legion Park, and with proper ceremonies a tree was planted to the memory of each solder who had died in the World War. A cannon was also assigned to this park by the government; and it may have seen service abroad, but this is an American-made gun.
This photo shows off the cannon and the river at its high stage.