Support Us

Individual Membership

To become a member of the South Wood County Historical Corp. and receive the history magazine Artifacts, please send your name, address, and $50 to

South Wood County Historical Corporation
540 3rd Street South
Wisconsin Rapids, WI 54494

Or pay online-

Corporate Membership and Sponsorship Opportunites

Are you interested in supporting a local historic nonprofit? Check out the Digital PDF below!

Corporate-Member/Sponsor Opportunities

Click the following link to make a payment for a Corporate Membership-

Corporate Membership Payment

Click the following link to make a payment for a Corporate Sponsorship-

Corporate Sponsorship Payment


If you are interested in volunteering for one or more of these activities, or if you’d like to be placed on our volunteer list for future projects, please get in touch with Alison at 715-423-1580 or by email,

  • Filing papers
  • Data Entry
  • Transcription
  • Cleaning
  • Scanning photos and documents
  • Tours/Docent
  • Special events (Ice Cream Social)

Jack Wesley (in pink) and Hank Bruse (in white hat), faithful volunteers, serving ice cream at the Museum’s annual ice cream social.


